Sunday, November 8, 2015

"My Brain Might be Different Than Yours, But it's Still Amazing"

Happy, Sunday, folks!  I am here to share a little inspirational video that I stumbled across while sipping my tea this morning.

We need to listen to what our children are saying.  Best take home from this video?  "My brain might be different than yours, but it's still amazing" I just love all these little children and the messages they provide.

There is so much we can learn from our children.

Here's to a good start of the week.

Dear Teacher
With a new school year starting, over 60 Brain Highways kids collaborated to write a “Dear Teacher” letter—which they then turned into a short (under two minutes) “Dear Teacher” video. School does greatly influence how kids are viewed by others and how they view themselves. So, while it may take years to change laws or how health care addresses mental health issues, these kids hope their message will be shared with as many educators as possible—knowing that teachers can truly make a huge difference, starting TODAY.
Posted by Brain Highways on Monday, August 24, 2015

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